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The Project:  'Stories on the Move'

Stories on the Move is a collection of blogs, a blog of blogs that will document experiences of people regularly living and working across geographical locations. It is a place where members can share their stories, images and videos, an archive of personal stories and a community for members who travel occasionally for work purposes and spend time in different cities, countries or places.


This platform is for the experiences, feelings, thoughts and ideas of those working regularly in international assignments, attending conferences and visiting friends and colleagues; it is about being on the move, being somewhere in-between. Stories may be experiences of mobility, being and working across different sites and spaces, switching between different languages, communicating with colleagues in different countries, interactions with others back in the country of origin and home experiences after living abroad. The thoughts, emotions, images, videos and languages, included in these narrations, will create a community, a place where members can reach out, connect with others and share Stories on the Move.

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